"It Can Wait" is AT&T's new campaign against texting and driving. The campaign is designed to create a new way for people to pause texting conversations without ignoring their messages. When you are about to drive, you text #x to the other person to let them know that the conversation is now on pause and you will respond to them as soon as you reach your destination.
Attorney Dixon Gahnz explains the dangers of texting and driving in his Texting and Driving blog: https://www.lawtoncates.com/blog/texting-and-driving. A Virginia study showed that someone texting and driving is 6 times more likely to cause an accident than a drunk driver. Although it is easy to think that nothing is going to happen from sending one text, the statistics show otherwise.
This new way to pause the conversation is becoming very popular. Celebrities, like Demi Lovato and Rascal Flatts, have gotten behind this movement. If you search twitter for #itcanwait or #x, it is clear that this movement is taking hold. People all over are signing a pledge against texting and driving by saying, "It can wait." So the next time you are about to get behind the wheel of a vehicle, send out a text saying #x and let people know that you too have made the pledge to end texting and driving.