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Wisconsin2019s Texting Law Not Enough

Wisconsin passed a law that prohibits texting while driving. The law prohibits sending or composing text messages while driving, but not reading them. The law imposes as modest fine for a violation of the law. The fine may be as low as $20.00. One would think the legislature could do better than that for an activity that is more dangerous than driving drunk. Under the new law, a person can read all the text messages they want, and if they get caught texting, they get fined the cost of a movie and popcorn. The governor has indicated he is excited about the law and will sign it.

Perhaps I should not be so critical. At least Wisconsin has finally done something. We can do better though, and we should follow the lead of Oregon. Oregon bans the use of cell phones while in the car unless the driver has a “hands-free” phone. This law applies to drivers over 18. Those under 18 are banned from using cell phones at all.

Contact your state representative, and congratulate them on a good start. After that tell them Wisconsin should put safety first and follow Oregon’s lead.

Go to https://legis.wisconsin.gov/ to contact your legislator. 

Go to: https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Safety/Pages/Distracted.aspx if you want more information about Oregon’s law.

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